PAMAS is delighted to announce that it has received its first delivery of the newly certified Standard Reference Material SRM 2806d from the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The new suspension material is currently been extensively tested in the PAMAS laboratory. All PAMAS master systems will be converted to the new reference material as soon as these tests are completed.
The certification of the SRM 2806d has been much more complex and took longer than anticipated. The previous refence material SRM 2806b did deviate from its predecessor SRM 2806a. The responsible standardization committee ISO TC131/SC6 had to prepare an ad-hoc revision of ISO11171 that could accommodate the deviation with the introduction of the interim dimension µm(b). The new ISO11171:2020 together with the new SRM 2806d makes this step obsolete. The committee objective was to optimize and simplify the qualification process. For this reason, the certification is based on an international inter laboratory study with 18 systems. 12 out of the 18 systems were PAMAS particle counters. The new certification is based on this study so that we expect an optimized conformity between old and new SRM material. PAMAS is proud to support the development of the new SRM as well as the revision of ISO11171. The new calibration material will enable PAMAS to support the industry with an adequate and practical solution for the future.